So, I read this the week before I took an extra week of leave over the Christmas break. Everything you described resonated with me so much, but I felt silly because I’ve let this happen to me multiple times. After 3 weeks of doing absolutely nothing — I mean nothing, my garden and books were my best friends — I wanted to come back and say thank you for being the last little signal to me that I needed to switch off. I hope your 2023 is magical!

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Oh this means so much to hear! Don’t feel silly at all. This story was of course condensed into a neat little bow, but it’s something that took me plenty of time and failing over and over again to take notice of. That’s why it sucks so much. Ease back in this year. Returning to work is bloody tough! And don’t let go of your garden and books now that you’re a little busier. My fingers are crossed for you, and even if we’re not perfect yet, we’re learning. ❤️

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